Who we are ....
The Sandbox Workshop is very simply a ‘group of photographers’ who get together and evaluate each other’s photographic talents and printed images. Ansel Adams said: “The negative is comparable to the composer’s score and the print to its performance. Each performance differs in subtle ways.”
In today’s world of 2021, the negative (for most photographers) is a digital file and the print is a ‘post processed’ image - often shared via social media. That processed file is the interpretation; the photographer’s intent. Even if the original image file is from a cell phone, the photographer had an ‘intent’ when he/she took it. However, is that image art. The intent of the Sandbox photographers is to find that elusive path to making art from a photograph.
In today’s digital world, It's not about how you capture the image, but what you do with it.
At the Sandbox Workshop, we still believe in photographs on paper. Our group assembles once a month, usually around a table. Each photographer brings at least one printed photograph to the meeting. iPads and cell phones are discouraged for sharing images, but are sometimes used to make a point. It’s about the print, and the process and talent the photographer demonstrated to achieve the print.
The procedure - During the meeting, each print is passed around the table without comment by the other photographers. When the photograph moves back to the original photographer, then the other photographers can make comments, ask questions and make post processing suggestions, and, even questions and suggestions about making the original capture in the field.
All photographers in the Eastern Shore area are encouraged to attend. Even inexperienced, or lightly experienced photographers are encouraged to enroll. We will assemble the Sandbox groups to benefit the needs of the enrollees.
Let’s have some fun … sign up for a meeting now ! It’s free !